Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Washington D.C.

 It's been a year about this week or next, that very last minute I had the chance to go on my dream trip to Washington D.C. with Merlynn, Steve, & Megan. It is somewhere I had always wanted to go. To make it even better we were able to go to Philadelphia. We saw so many historical places and learned so many new things. I loved every minute of it. We took a lot of pictures. I finally got around to making up a scrapbook---I knew it would take quite a bit of time--so I had to wait until summer. Well, for about four days I have worked on this thing. It is done. And I am glad for that. It is fourty pages long, an 8x8 book. It was very hard to narrow down the pictures, but it's written down now. I do wish I had written things down during the trip or right after we got back so I could remember more.

 On the pages about the monuments, I types up a 4x6 card that tells about the monument and then if there was something else I remembered from it. I had to get creative with the journaling because I needed lots of space for pictures.

Now...for Merlynn's book. Hopefully I'll have time to get it done before school starts :)

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