Thursday, October 28, 2010


The reality to crafting and basically anything is sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I look at tons of different ideas and think that would be really cute, or that should be pretty easy. Well sometimes it is and sometimes it isn't. This is an example of not so good.

I got this idea from eighteen 25 during their month long Halloween ideas. It seemed pretty simple and I thought I could do it for Megan's dance class. Well on Sunday I tried to do it. Simple fact, it was not easy. Fact two, it so was not worth doing 11 of.

On the brighter side of things I did do one project that turned out and was really cool and easy. I don't remember where this was from but Ashley sent me the idea. This week Megan is using them for her lunch bags and all the kids wanted to know where she got them.

My final project is a copy from what Ashley has posted. I did the mummy suckers and let Megan help with them. They were really easy and she was excited that she got to help with them. I printed of the box to put them in from How Does She.

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