Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Teacher Appreciation Doors

This is the door that Merlynn did this year. Funny story here. We were working on the "backdrop" when all the other parents were putting up their doors, but we had hers done in my classroom so we weren't worried about it, we just needed to tape it up. Well---the door right next to it--had the EXACT same thing on it. Now---Merlynn was perfectly fine with that---not me (especially since theirs was cuter). So, we brainstormed for a couple hours of what we could do and came up with this. We used tissue paper to make the rainbow. I think it turned out pretty cute--for only taking maybe 30 minutes and one serious glue gun burn,
This is my classroom door. I LOVED it. The mother who did it wanted to "borrow" my class for 15 minutes---SURE!!! She had each of my students write a note to me on the flower petal, many of them drew pictures also.
Then she arranged it all on the door. I know it took her a while to do it and it was so personal. I didn't take it down until the last day of school and then I sat and read each note again.

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