Well, Saturday I finally decided since the weather was close to 100 degrees, maybe it was warm enough to plant my barrels. I'm not kidding when I say we've had freezing weather right up until now...now we have cooking, hot weather. But I love it. I love mornings like today when I can go outside and water my plants or take photos without even a sweater...the kind of mornings I want to stay home and have breakfast out on the patio. Relax...soak of the sun...take walks...ride the bike..play baseball...just enjoy life. I love summer.
Anyway...I digress...I finally went to Viki's (thanks Danelle and Jeff for those mother day gifts) and got plants and started filling my barrels. My plan was to try and plant red/white/blue in the barrels out front. I love how they turned out.
I also bought a hanging basket...even though I have no where to hang it. It was just so pretty. I'll find somewhere.
Jeff & I are taking some well deserved days to relax, but I've loaded up some things so you won't even miss me. I'll be back posting like crazy before you know it.
Sorry...I was actually posting this to my blog...not sure how I ended up posting on yours. Well...it is creative I guess.