So, every year our principal picks a "theme" for the school year. I always have a love/hate relationship with the theme. It's nice to have something to gear decorations toward, but then everyone usually has the same thing so I try to think outside the box and make my own (with a lot of help:) This year our theme is "I am..." This is sooo easy!!! You can think of all kinds of things to finish that sentence. Well...I hope to finalize what I am doing in my classroom. But, Merlynn is setting up a table to inform people about the PTO and maybe entice them to help. We've known this was coming, but why work on it before the last minute??? We've come up with some cute ideas, but I love this! We cut out wood letters that say "I am," then put a big clothespin after it with things that relate to PTO. I think it turned out really cute. I just might be taking ownership of it to use in my classroom after registration.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
Friday, August 17, 2012
Chair redo
I am so excited about this next project. I LOVE turquoise..there's just something about that color that gets me. It probably makes up almost half of my's the predominate color in my classroom..and I own 3...maybe 4 shoes that are turquoise. Yep..I love it. Well, I have wanted to paint a piece of furniture turquoise for forever. I would love a turquoise desk or dresser! I'm always a little scared to go that big though. So...I went with a chair. I sprayed it a turquoise color, then put the black material on the the seat and I am IN.LOVE. I took it to my classroom with a cute little white desk, and a frame above it, yep turquoise.
This is a frame that we have been making a lot of lately..inspired by my favorite wood store:) I downloaded the printable from eighteen25, and gave it to my cousin who is getting married next month. I think it turned out pretty cute. Hopefully soon, Merlynn will be showing us how we used these cute frames in her house!!!
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Mason Jar drinks
These are so popular right now--and so COOL. The lids have a flower design which allows you to put a straw through the middle of the flower. All ready for a cute party.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Baby blanket
There is really no rhyme or reason for doing a bably blanket--especially since everyone in my family has boys. But, when I went to the fabric store--this material caught my eye. It is SOOO cute and bright. It was an impulse--there is pink flannel on the back and a bright green ruffle around it. It makes me smile.